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Novapep is developing its biparetide peptide which is anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective to treat inflammatory skin disorders
and inflammatory bowel disease


The Company

Novapep is an Australian - US biotech company whose scientists invented PAR agonist peptides and structures, which mimic the mechanisms of Activated Protein C ('APC').  The Company is  developing these for the treatment of diseases and conditions with unmet medical needs.


IBD Program

In animal studies, APC has been shown to be an effective treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.  Novapep is developing oral, enteric peptide structures which are anti-inflammatory, protect against cell death and are potentially regenerative.  


Dermatitis Program

Based on a large body of pre-clinical and clinical data showing the effectiveness of APC in skin regeneration and inflammatory skin disorders,  Novapep is developing topical gels and gauzes to treat dermatitis and second degree burns, for which there is currently no effective topical treatment.

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